Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It's not delivery OR DiGiorno

My hubby LOVES pizza.  Every time I ask him what he wants for dinner his answer is always "pizza."  I'm not kidding.  He's never said anything else.  I like pizza, but I can't eat take out pizza (so sad).  So our happy medium is that I make my own.  I always used to just buy those crusts from the store until my mom informed me that making your own crust is really easy.  And the best part?  You don't even need yeast!  I'm not even going to try to pretend that I came up with this by myself.  All you need to do is google "pizza dough no yeast" and 800 pop up.  The problem is finding the best one.  So that's what I did for you.

The first time I tried my own dough it was a way too much work and ended up being way to dough-y.  I made another that was pretty good, but not great.  This time around I stumbled upon another blog (Kristin in Her Kitchen) with a no yeast recipe.  You can see it here.  The good news is that everyone usually has all of the ingredients in the house. (I won't list them since you can see it all on her post.)

By the way, if you don't have whole wheat flour, you need to get some immediately.  I have white whole wheat flour and I use it ALL the time.  Combine it with some white flour in your recipe and it's perfection.  Now, we all know that dough making is not my forte.  This dough was SO easy to work with.  I barely had to knead it.

And it rolled out really quickly too.  My arms are not going to be sore tomorrow. 

I baked the crust for about 7 minutes and then added my toppings.  I had some shredded chicken in the freezer from my last freezer meal escapade so I used that and some frozen spinach.  Basically I currently have no pepperoni in the house for hubby so this is the best I could do. 

I baked it with the toppings for 10 minutes and then took it out.  The middle was a little questionable so I popped it back in for a few more minutes but then the cheese started to brown.  Then I realized that the blogger was not joking when she said this was a softer crust.  So if you like crunchy pizza, just turn back now.

Honestly, I liked this crust the most out of all the pizzas I've made.  You just have to go into this experience knowing that it's not going to taste like Pizza Hut.  (aka no grease)  Once again, Bob said it was "okay" but he's also eating it cold.  I don't think this a pizza you want to eat for breakfast.

Since my blogging has been limited lately (life got crazy), I have great news.  My spring break starts tomorrow at 3:00 (!!!!!!!)  I've never needed a break more in my entire life (I probably say that before every break, but it's always true).  Whenever I have a break, that means it's time for.....FREEZER MEALS!  I checked the dates on my last meals (I have 3 left) and they said 2/9/13.  So that cooking session lasted me 7 weeks!  Of course, this doesn't mean we ate a freezer meal every night.  We eat out occasionally or sometimes I'll actually cook on the weekends :)

So I'm going to call up grandma and ask her to take me to Costco next week.  I need to go on a week day so the insanity will be at a minimum.  I don't know about your Costco, but ours always seems to have at least 10,900 people in it. I'm currently gathering my recipe list (it's a long process) and dreading doing this again.  I just keep telling myself how good I feel when it's over.  Kind of like working out. 

Stay tuned :)

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