Monday, March 18, 2013

Stir Fry-ing

I'm just going to say it: spring break needs to get here ASAP.  The other night I told Bob that after spring break I have 9 weeks of school straight, with no break.  He said, "Oh, so like real life?"  So I start feeling like I'm being a baby.  But then I think, "why else would anyone work in schools?"  I'm all about the breaks!  And those in education need those breaks.  When I think of all the after school hours I spend planning, laminating, cutting, and writing reports I sometimes want to cry.  And I don't know about any other SLP's, but my students could not care less.  Today one student actually said, "I'm bored," in the middle of an activity. WHATT????  I just need to stop there because I could go on a rant forever and no one wants to hear that.

Needless to say, I'm fried today.  So I thought it was appropriate that I make a stir fry.  I know I always go the chicken/pork route, but I've been craving red meat lately.  I bought some of this great stir fry meat the other day.  I'm sure it's a tiny bit more expensive than normal because it's pre-sliced, but who wants to cut a big hunk of beef? 
1/2 lb beef, in strips
5 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp honey
1 tsp sugar
2 tsp Sriracha (or your fave hot sauce)
1 garlic clove, minced (or garlic powder)
1 tsp onion powder (or real onion if you're normal)
1 tbsp corn starch
2 tbsp water
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp pepper

Heat whatever oil you choose in a skillet.  If you're using chopped onion (I would if I were you and didn't have a weirdo in my house) saute in the oil with the garlic.  Add the meat and heat until cooked.  Meanwhile mix your sauce ingredients together (soy sauce, ginger, lemon juice, honey, sriracha, pepper).  I originally wanted to use honey only but when I taste tested it I thought it needed more sweetness.  So that's why I included the tsp of sugar.  Do whatever feels right to you.

Pour the sauce into the skillet with the meat.  Mix the cornstarch and water together, then add to skillet.  Let simmer, stirring, until sauce thickens.  Add more cornstarch/water as needed.  Serve over rice.

Let's keep in mind that I only used about 1/2 of beef so it was perfect for 2 people.  If you're cooking for more, you'll have to double the recipe. 

Also, I can't believe how spicy I thought it was!  I said, "I thought it was" because Bob didn't think it was spicy at all.  My mouth was on fire.  He even says the "off-brand" Sriracha I got at Costco isn't as good as the real stuff. 

This is definitely one of my go-to meals during the work week, with different sauce variations.  If you wanted to make it into a freezer meal you could combine the sauce and raw meat in a bag and freeze it. 

Time to go back to Dancing With the Stars.  I'm on team Sean Lowe & Lisa Vanderpump (in case you were wondering).

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