Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tender and Juicy Tenderloin

Just another week night in the Jones' household.  This particular one was a little better because the sun was up until after 6:00!!!  I feel like a whole new day started and I can stay up for hours! (or at least til 10:00)  It's incredible what a couple extra hours of daylight will do for you.  When it gets dark at 4:00 it makes me want to lock the doors, close the blinds, and go to bed.  So then we realized that we change the clocks this weekend and in my head I said, "I can conquer the world." 

Despite the extra sunlight, the hours of IEP writing and Kindergarteners drooling on my iPad left me NOT wanting to make dinner.  So I didn't.  Everyone: get ready for this recipe.  It will blow your mind and your taste buds.  My good friend Tara recently told me that she is conquering her pork phobia due to my last tenderloin recipe.  Well Tara, pork is about to be your new best friend.  I found this original recipe online as a steak marinade and decided it would be just as good on pork.  (I can't find my source but I'll keep looking!)

So get your:
1 pork tenderloin
1/3 cup soy sauce (if you haven't noticed I use a lot of this)
1/2 olive oil
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup worcestershire sauce
2 garlic cloves
2 tbsp basil
1 tbsp parsley flakes
1 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp hot sauce of your choice

Mix all the marinade ingredients in a bowl.  If you want to freeze it, pour it in a freezer bag with your tenderloin.  Label and freeze.  To cook, throw in the crockpot for 7-8 hours.  It took a little under 7 hours for mine. 

Let me just say, this came out so incredibly tender that it was falling apart.  I even ate it without a knife!  I served it with my favorite veggie noddles that I now have, thanks to my sis.  She found them at Giant Eagle in case anyone is looking :)  I love mixing my noodles with a little olive oil, white wine, lemon juice, garlic powder, onion powder, pepper, and basil.  No measurements: just equal amounts of each?  Since I can't do overpowering flavors, this is enough for me.  But of course, Bob has to pour a truck load of Heinz 57 on them.  When I found out he put it on the pork, too, a little part of me actually died.  "This pork does not need any sauce!!"  Heartbreaking.

It's embarrassing that my meals are not more aesthetically pleasing.  My husband and I are usually starving by the time I go to take the picture so this is literally what my food looks like 10 seconds before I eat it.  I promise I'll try to work on my presentation (key word being 'try'). 

To those of you who have pork phobias (cough, Tara), don't ever cook your tenderloin in anything except the crock pot!  And add a ton of sauce. 

I should also mention the lack of veggies in my meal(s).  As we all know, Bob won't go within 10 feet of a vegetable so I don't bother buying them anymore.  I used to buy fresh veggies but they would always go bad before I could eat them.  So I started buying frozen veggies only.  At first I was like, ugh I know it's not as healthy as fresh but what's a girl to do?  Then, I read somewhere, or maybe saw on Dr. Oz, that frozen fruits/veggies are just as good, if not better, than fresh!  They're supposedly flash frozen right after being picked and then kept that way until you eat it.  So when you buy a fresh head of broccoli it's already traveled to the store and then sat there for however long.  And then it sits in your fridge.  Crazy, right??  Not only that, but frozen peas, carrots, corn, brussel sprouts, asparagus, etc. don't agitate my GERD like their fresh versions.  It's a win-win situation. 

This is my fave right now.

Ok, I'm stepping off my frozen vegetable soap box now :)

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