Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring has sprung! (sort of)

Well this week we had a little peak of what spring will be like if it ever truly arrives.  That was enough for me to go on a Pat Catan's shopping spree for new craft materials.  Last month I actually had to sign up for Catan's VIP card because I spend so much money there.  I'm addicted to their seasonal aisles.  Last fall I started making my own wreaths.  I could never find any that I liked at the store and never wanted to pay $50.  So now I just cruise through Pat's wreath accessory aisle (made up name) and grab a million things.  Therefore, I end up spending probably $50 anyways so....ironic?

I'm a little nervous to share these pictures and ideas.  I am nowhere close to being any kind of interior decorator--like, not even an amateur one.  I don't know what's "cool," other than some things I might find on the internet.  And no matter how hard I've tried to replicate online ideas, I just can't do it.  I use whatever catches my eye and fits my mood at the time.  So, I hope there are no superstar crafters or decorators reading this :)

  Here's the wreath I made for Easter:

I love grapevine wreaths.  I stepped away from them for Christmas and post-Christmas but was drawn back to them this time around.  So I grabbed some of this stuff:
(sorry for the blurry picture)  It's basically just wire wrapped in sparkly silver and pearls.  I cut each strand apart and intertwined them in the grapevine.  Then I bunched these flowers together and stuck them in the wreath.
And I had to wrap some yellow ribbon around them to hide the stems.  I love pink and yellow and Easter is the best time to use them!  So then I found these adorable gems:
You probably can't tell from this horrible picture, but basically they're just jewels and gems on wire. 

After my wreath I moved on to other decorations.  Bob and I found this table (at Marc's actually) to go behind the couch.  I was so excited to finally have a space to go crazy with fun decorations.  The first thing I put together was this vase:

I don't know about everyone else, but I am a flower killer.  Before I lived with Bob, plants knew me by name and warned their friends to run in the opposite direction.  You would think that I make the obvious mistake of forgetting to water them.  Well, I do.  But I also over water them.  They hate me.  So Bob has his special plants that he waters religiously and I stay out of it.  This is why I stick to fake flowers.  I mean, these are still pretty, right?  I found some pretty stones and jewels to put in the bottom of the vase.  I also got the vase at Pat's.  Then I perused the flower aisles and grabbed anything pink, yellow, and white that I liked and was under $2. 

While in the Easter/spring/wreath accessory section, I found those adorable flowers on the left.  They have words on the petals and are the prettiest colors.  Then I found some ceramic and wooden painted eggs.  I arranged them in a shallow vase and stuck the flowers in.  For the other vase, I combined some of those green decorative stones you can find anywhere with some different sized pearls I had from Valentine's Day.  Those were another great find at Pat's.

I also found this frame on sale.  It says, 'we may not have it all together, but together we have it all.' :)

And here is the finished product:

OH--those candles!  Easiest craft ever.  Get some plain white candles and a stamp with words on it.  Ink your stamp and roll the candle over it.  It smears a little but I think the imperfection  makes it better! (thank you to Pinterest for that idea)

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