Thursday, April 18, 2013

Parmesan Potatoes & A Little Reflection

What a crazy week.  It's only Thursday and this country has been through 2 major catastrophes.  I've been praying for everyone affected by those horrible tragedies and just can't believe that this is the world we live in lately.  I do find hope in knowing that God has a plan, even though our tiny brains can't comprehend what it is.  There are so many things to pray for, but my main focus this week has been peace for everyone involved.  I pray that their hearts and bodies will heal from the pain. 

It's so easy for me to get caught up in the day to day and lose appreciation for everything that God has blessed me with. The reality is that it could all be gone in an instant.  Today, I made it a point to have more patience and love towards all of my students.  It was definitely not as easy as I thought!  After explaining how to play HedBanz 102892489239 times and having no one understand what you're saying, the last thing I had was an abundance of patience.

I think that we could all stand to take some time and enjoy the little things.  Like...watching your husband play fetch with your dog :) And the beautiful 80 degree weather we had today.  And putting the grill back together after it got blown over and killed your bushes.  Trying to get the cover back on the thing in gale force winds was probably very entertaining for our neighbors to watch. It's little things like this that make me realize that God is so good in so many ways.

Anyways, onto lighter topics.  I actually came on here to share one of my favorite foods again.  Potatoes!  This is a quick recipe I threw together a few days ago as a side dish.

You need:
3-4 potatoes, cut into bite size chunks
Salt and pepper
1 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
2 tsp butter or oil (I used Wild Tree butter flavored oil--I could drink that stuff, it's amazing)
1 tbsp shredded parmesan cheese (rough estimate)

First, cut up your potatoes.
Then toss in the seasonings and oil/butter.  Mix until all potatoes are covered.  Transfer to a baking dish.  Top with the parmesan.
Bake at 425 degrees for about 30-40 minutes.  You can add a little more cheese to them once they come out of the oven, too.

I know it's not very exciting, but we always need side dishes, right??  Coming soon: more re-organizing of my house!  I just bought some great organizational things on Amazon and can't wait to use them :)

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