Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Doggy Woes...

As I've mentioned before, my husband and I love to grill.  This weather is absolutely killing that dream.  The other day it was FINALLY nice enough to venture outside and fire up the grill.  Well, we soon realized that the stupid thing wouldn't get hot enough.  Whatt?? Maybe it's still angry that it fell over last week.  It decided to grill the potatoes but failed to do anything to the burgers except leave some char marks on them.  So I ended up having to finish cooking them on the stove.  I'm crossing my fingers that we'll be able to have a good grill meal soon.

The grill isn't the only thing that's been a pain in the you-know-what this week.  The four legged creature running around our house has become a little too sassy.  I took him to the vet the other day for a vaccination.  Since it was a Sunday the waiting room was full of other animals, some calm, some not so calm.  My dog was the one to go beyond not calm and turned into a psycho.  We sat in the waiting room for half an hour while he made noises similar to those of a warthog mixed with a fork scraping across a plate.  I get it, it's annoying.  But the woman sitting nearby proceeded to cover her ears and give me a look as if to say, "I can't believe you're dog behaves that way in public."  As if that wasn't bad enough, she then covered her dog's ears.  I'll stop right there and leave you to form your own opinions on that.  Strike 2 Rick.  Strike 1 happened last week when we came home to find barf on the couch cushion.  He must be fond of that couch cushion because we found another present on it the other day.  Strike 3.  In case you don't follow me on Twitter, Facebook, OR Instagram, this was his punishment.

I made sure he was humiliated on all social networking sites. 

As if all that isn't bad enough, he's been waking me up every night trying to jump up on the bed.  It was my life altering mistake to let him sleep with us a few times.  Now he thinks that it's his right.  I'll be peacefully sleeping when I hear his little footsteps storming up the stairs like a bat out of hell.  Where do you think you're going that you need to run so fast??  Bob says he does this because I'm not strict enough with him...probably true.  This doesn't bode well for our future children.  Well times are changing.

Nothing like a good evening rant to make you feel better.  I was going to post my BBQ turkey burger recipe but I didn't think it fit with the inappropriate dinner conversation above.  So it'll have to wait til tomorrow :)

Oh and if you think my dog is a nightmare, he's just having a rough week.  Normally he's really cute.


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