Friday, April 12, 2013

A Crockpot Chicken

The worst possible thing just happened.  I accidentally deleted my first crockpot chicken post!!  It was one of those moments where you're like, "WAAAAAAIIIIITTTTT COME BAAAAACK!!!"  I tried hitting the back arrow a thousand times as if that would make it reappear.  I am so sad.  I came on here to write a post about organization and this demonstrates that I clearly have some work to do.  Can someone teach me how to operate a computer?

I guess I should move on.  But I can't stop thinking about it.  Ugh.  I can't stop being angry about this.  Don't expect this re-do post to be nearly as good as the first one (if you even thought the first one was any good). 

Once again, here are you ingredients:
1 small-ish roasting chicken
Salt and pepper
2 tbsp butter (or margarine)
2 cloves garlic
1/2 lemon
Whatever spices you like--I used paprika, rosemary, thyme, and onion powder

First, you have to deal with the chicken.  I prep it by rinsing it under cold water and drying it with a paper towel.  After that, peel one clove of garlic and leave it whole.  Peel the other clove and slice it as thin as possible.  I use this garlic slicer from Pampered Chef.  The garlic comes out paper thin!  And you don't have the risk of slicing your fingers.

Stick your whole clove of garlic and the lemon half inside the chicken.  Gross, but it must be done.  Then shove all the sliced garlic anywhere and everywhere.  I put some under the skin and tucked it under the legs and wings. 

After that, mix the spices with the butter.
Then spread that mixture all over the chicken.  It looks really appetizing, yeah?
So, I did all this prep the night before.  I kept the chicken in the crockpot in the fridge overnight.  I cooked it the next day on low for about 10 hours.  It was probably done sooner than this but I like it super tender. 
I put no water in with the chicken before cooking.  This is how much juice came out!  No joke, this is the best way to make chicken.  It comes out so tender that it literally melts off the bones.  It's actually kind of a pain to get all the meat out.  BUT we got another 2 meals out of the leftovers!  That's my favorite type of dinner :)

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