Monday, November 18, 2013

Sorry for the disappearance

I never realized that anyone actually read my posts until I stopped doing them.  While I quit blogging for the summer, I had so many friends and family members ask me if I was going to keep going.  It makes me so happy that someone appreciates my thoughts and ideas in writing :)

So much has happened this summer/fall.  Here's a little snapshot:

-I had gall bladder removal surgery
-My grandpa passed away
-I started a new job (again)
-Bob started Weight Watchers

...and I think that's it.  I took the summer off to spend time with family, read a lot of books, and work on stuff around the house.  I'm so thankful that I did that because I was able to spend plenty of quality time with my grandpa before he passed.  Now that the school year is in full swing, I really miss summer :(  Bob would say, "at least you have a summer."  To which I would reply, "you should have been a teacher." 

Speaking of Bob, he has had so much success with Weight Watchers.  I started cooking a ton of their recipes and we pretty much have it down to a science now.  That also played a part in my blogging hiatus.  It took awhile to navigate diet food and recipes.  I was basically following specific recipes to the ounce--we had to buy a kitchen scale to weigh all the food.  But now we got the hang of it and I'm able to make plenty of things that we used to eat.  He's been really successful so far.  He looks good, right??

We celebrated our 2 !! year anniversary last month at Niagara Falls.  We went on a little hike and ended up at this amazing area where all the locals go to catch salmon. 

I mentioned above that I had my gall bladder removed over the summer.  In past posts I talked about my GERD and food sensitivities.  Well, after having some tests done, I found out I had gallstones and my gall bladder wasn't working properly.  While this wasn't a critical thing, my surgeon felt that it would help with many of the issues I was having.  So I decided to have it out.  Needless to say the surgery went great and all I have to show for it are a couple of tiny scars.  And they're seriously tiny.  This surgey is done laparoscopically now so they barely make an incision.  While it was definitely not a good time, the recovery was fast and relatively easy.  The results?  Last week I ate a piece of pizza AND fried chicken, with no stomach pain afterwards.  It doesn't sound like much but for me this was a huge deal.  I still can't eat a ton of fatty, greasy food (which is ok) but in small doses I can tolerate it. 

So that's what I've been doing for the last 6 months.  My new job has kept me extremely busy, with a longer drive, and later hours.  But I missed writing and am going to try to get back into it!

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