Thursday, November 21, 2013

Simply Chicken Fajitas

The main thing my hubby and I have been working on with his diet is finding meals that are healthy, delicious, AND filling.  Kind of hard to do.  He told me the other day that these fajitas hit all of those points! The best part is that they are so quick and easy to make (definitely a plus for me).

I found these amazing low carb whole wheat burrito wraps at the grocery store one day.  I've learned that anything "low carb" is perfect for Weight Watchers, so I decided to try them.  They're so yummy!  We hate wraps that are too thick and inhibit the other ingredients from being noticed.  And Bob loves that he can eat 2 of them.  I love anything that has a few ingredients and is still flavorful!

Chicken Fajitas

1 lb chicken tenders
1/4 chopped onion
1 clove garlic
1 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp pepper
2 tsp lime juice
Whole wheat wraps
Shredded cheese

Heat up some oil in a skillet, then fry up the onion and garlic.  Cut up the chicken into bite sized pieces.  Add the chicken to the skillet and saute for a few minutes.  Then add the seasonings and lime juice.   Continue to saute until cooked through.

Pile a few ounces of chicken onto a heated wrap and add your preferred seasonings!  We only add lettuce, cheese, and some taco sauce.  If I had the time, desire, and a less picky husband, I would add sauteed red/green bell peppers.

Bob cuts up some string cheese and puts it on his to further decrease the amount of points.  
I, on the other hand, load on the shredded cheddar like nobody's business :)

In other news, we invested in a new camera!  It was time that we took the plunge.  We're adults now, right?  So hopefully I can take improved pictures of my food.  Hopefully.  Photography isn't one of my strong suites. 

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