Sunday, February 10, 2013


Welcome to my blog and my very FIRST post!  I created this blog to share my experiences in marriage and cooking.  I'll share my favorite recipes, success or failure, and some of the little things I've learned since being married.  About me: well, my name is Allison Jones, I'm almost 25 years old, and I live in Northeast Ohio (not by choice--my entire family is here).  I'm a speech-language pathologist in the schools and I love what I do.  When work is not taking over my life, I enjoy reading, sewing, hangin' out with my hubby, and of course, cooking!  My husband and I got married almost 1 1/2 years ago (WOW--time flies!) so I guess we're still considered newlyweds.  We have a house and a dog named Ricky, who thinks he runs the house.  I love decorating our home and, with an eggplant purple kitchen, you could say I'm not afraid to make some bold home decor moves.  I also love to cook.  I started experimenting when I moved into my first college apartment and discovered the joy of buying new kitchen supplies.  Since I've also been living with GERD for the past 7-ish years, I've had to learn what I can and cannot eat.  Anyone else who deals with this will understand what I mean!  Moral of the story: cooking my own food gives me complete control of what I'm eating and makes me much happier.

Anyways, I love being a wife and cooking meals for my hubby.  With being a wife comes so many amazing (and some not-so-amazing) experiences that I can't wait to share!  Lesson #1: the old saying is definitely true.  The way to a man's heart is through his stomach :)

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