Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Many Uses of Vinegar

Since it's just Ricky (the dog) and me tonight (poor hubby is working a 15 hour shift) I don't have any recipes to document.  Except for this awesome omelette I made. 

I know...my presentation leaves something to be desired.  Trust me, it tasted better than it looked.  So instead of food, I decided that I would share my feelings on vinegar. 

 This stuff is multi-purpose.  I had no idea until I started doing some pinterest-ing.  Side note: I love pinterest.  Most of my ideas come straight from there--I'm not that clever.  But back to vinegar.  I started using it as a cleaning product a couple months ago and it has changed my life--my cleaning life. 

Let's be honest, cleaning products are expensive.  And they don't always work.  I think I've spent at least 2 years of my life trying to get our shower to look semi-clean.  No, we're not disgusting people.  It's just one of those showers without a tub, ya know?  And that DOOR is the hardest thing to get clean.  Not to mention all the nooks and crannies in there--gross.

I cannot and will not take credit for this next part.  I'm just sharing the good news.  My mom introduced me to this and I'm not sure where she originally found it.  First, grab one of these babies: 

Go splurge and get one at the Dollar Store.  Fill it up with half vinegar and half dish soap.  I used Palmolive but whatever you have on hand will be fine.  From what I've read, Dawn seems to be a winner.  Shake up the scrubber and you're good to go.  I'm not joking--this is a serious cleaner.  My shower door was spotless after I used it.  And I didn't even break a sweat!  Normally I emerge from  shower cleaning sessions soaking wet, arms sore, and hair smelling like ammonia.  Not the case anymore.  I MAYBE put about 30% effort into scrubbing. 

After this experience I started thinking, what else can I clean with vinegar?  Turns out the answer is...anything and everything!  I didn't go crazy and throw out all my other cleaning products or anything.  But I did make a vinegar spray.  While you're at the Dollar Store, grab one of these spray bottles:
 I filled it with about 3/4 vinegar and 1/4 water.  I also added some orange essential oil to make it smell a little better.  P.S. these essential oils are also something you can use all the time.  I found them on Amazon for about $15.  We used them around Christmas time to make homemade bath salts and scrubs :)
You can use this anywhere in your kitchen.  It's worked well on my counters and my stove.  Let me be blunt--after I use this, my kitchen smells a little bit like a salad.  I think that could be solved by adding more oil but I'm not 100% sure.  Personally I don't mind the smell of vinegar, but if it offends you then ignore this post.

I've found recipes for other homemade cleaning products but haven't gone there.  I still feel that nothing can replace Clorox when it comes to cleaning the bathroom!  If anyone else has used their own cleaning products let me know :)

So not only does vinegar clean, but I also use it in most of my recipes.  That should explain the picture (above) of my gallon jug. 

Stay tuned for one of my favorite pork chop recipes later!

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