Monday, May 6, 2013

Tangy Grilled Fish

I'm so sad today is Monday :(  My hubby and I had such a nice weekend and then it was back to reality.  One of the most exciting parts of the weekend was that I was finally able to get allergy meds from my doctor!!  I know I'm not the only one who has been suffering this spring.  In line at the pharmacy, everyone ahead of me was picking up some type of allergy medication.  I have been SO miserable for the past few week, itchy, sneezing, pounding headaches, and the worst part: nasal voice.  By some miracle, I called the doctor Saturday morning and they were able to get me in immediately.  Turns out all I needed was some nasal spray :)

Bob and I also had a date night this weekend.  We ate at Brio, spent a lot of time (and money) at Barnes & Noble, and got ice cream on the way home.  Just so you know how amazing my husband is, he sat through 1/3 of Les Miserables with me.  For anyone who saw this movie in the theater, answer me this: how??  It's so long that I still haven't finished watching it.  Also, I can appreciate a good musical just as much as the next girl, but there is no need to sing simple conversations.  There is no way I could have sat through that anywhere else except for my couch.  Props to anyone who opted for the theater version. 

Over the weekend I experimented with my favorite fish.  I've blogged about barramundi before with one of my go-to last minute recipes.  Since it's been so nice out, I wanted to try grilling it this time around.  I did some internet research and found out that you can pretty much do whatever you want with this fish.  So I busted out these spices:

Salt and pepper
Onion powder

I sprinkled all of them pretty liberally on the fish. 

If you can't tell, I love this grill pan.  I'm going to be grilling fish with it all summer. 

I grilled this for about 5-6 minutes on each side.  They turned out like this:
We put them on some toasted rolls and ate them as sandwiches.  It turned out a lot better than I expected.  My flavor concoctions don't always yield positive results.  This time it came out perfectly.  I think I might like this option better than breading and frying.  It's healthier, too :)  Once again, any white fish would work for this.  It had such a tangy flavor, which made a plain piece of fish way more exciting. 

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