Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Grilled Jerk Pork Chops

Hi friends :)  I hope everyone enjoyed this gorgeous weather as much as we did.  Bob and I planted some herbs and veggies we recently bought.  And by "Bob and I," I mean Bob planted and I played with dirt every once in awhile.  Gardening isn't really my thing.  It's probably directly related to the fact that my house is where plants come to die.  Ricky especially loves the nice weather.  He likes to run around with our next door neighbor and body slam into his legs at max speed.  He also likes to lay in this one particular spot in the grass.

This was a mere hour before Bob cut the grass, so don't judge us for the jungle look. 

In other news, our grill is finally up and running!  There was no way we were not going to grill tonight.  I made one of my favorite grilled pork chop recipes from my Fast Weeknight Favorites cookbook (slightly adapted).  This is also a really easy recipe to turn into a freezer meal (which I did, of course).

Jerk Pork Chops
2-4 thin pork chops
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp lime juice
1 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

To freeze: mix all the ingredients and pour into a freezer bag with the pork chops.  When you're ready to make them all you have to do is throw them on the grill.  How simple is that??  If you aren't on the freezer meal band wagon (which you should be), mix all the ingredients and brush on the pork chops.  Grill for about 15-20 minutes, until cooked to your liking.  The recipe suggests grilled pineapple as a side, which sounds delicious.  But let's be real.  Does anyone really have a pineapple lying around on a weeknight?  Thanks for the optimism, but I'm going to bypass this complication.  I opted for pasta tossed with olive oil, lemon juice, white wine, pepper, chives, and parsley.

So yummy :) 

Also, in case you didn't know, May is better hearing and speech month.  So always use ear plugs at the shooting range, use proper grammar, and do not strain your vocal folds (too often). 

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