Thursday, May 16, 2013

It's been awhile...

I'm back!  It's been way too long since I've posted anything.  I've been so busy lately with family, interviews, work, etc.  Tonight is the first night I actually came home right after work and stayed home.  Due to all the craziness, I haven't been doing a lot of cooking.  I honestly couldn't tell you what exactly I've been doing.  Weirdly enough, I think I've taken up "gardening."  I actually stopped at Lowe's last week, bought some flowers, and planted them without help from Bob.  And so far they're still alive! 

It was very cold over the weekend and I became overly concerned that they would freeze to death.  So, being the smart gardener that I am, I moved them into the garage for a few days.  If that isn't love, I don't know what is.   I've come a long way since the days of Spike.  That was the very first plant Bob ever bought me in college.  It was a succulent, known for it's ability to withstand all types of caretakers.  It met its match when it moved in with me.  These plants can supposedly go a very long time without water.  Apparently they can't go a long time without sunlight...  Poor Spike :(  I've recently found that gardening can actually be pretty therapeutic.  There is absolutely nothing stressful about watering plants.  If they die, you might be sad.  But most likely you'll just go out and buy a replacement plant.

In case anyone didn't know, it was Mother's Day this past weekend.  I always have such a hard time deciding what to get for my parents on these parent holidays.  This year, I had a brilliant idea.  I'm sure you've seen those before and after/baby to adult pictures floating around the internet.  I decided that my sister and I had to do one.  We planned it all out way in advance, and then took the picture the day before Mother's Day.  Procrastination is one of my strengths sometimes.  This is what we came up with.
My mom loved it.  At least, she said she did. 

I've also been doing some organizing.  I desperately needed some kind of shelf for our bathroom.  Being the girl that I am, I always had hair and makeup supplies covering the sink space.  Not only did I hate how it looked, but every time I cleaned the bathroom I had to move everything.  Why did I not just put everything under the sink?  Please.  I like convenience.  I can't put my makeup away EVERYDAY.  So Bob found this awesome spice rack as a quick fix.

I'm always seeing spice racks used in bathrooms on Pinterest but could never find one that didn't scream 'spice rack.'  Thank goodness for Target.  This holds everything I use on a daily basis.  And it's not hideous.

So, that's what I've been doing for the past couple weeks.  That, and reading The Stand by Stephen King.  Bob LOVES this book and I started it last year.  Why did I never finish it?  It's over 1,000 pages.  I prefer books in the 300 page range.  Which is about how far I am in The Stand.  Zero patience for this kind of thing.

More recipes to come soon!

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