Friday, April 26, 2013

BBQ Turkey Burgers

Happy Friday :)  It was a rough one at work.  Lots of distractions and blank child stares.  So I'm VERY glad it's the weekend. 

So, I mentioned my turkey burgers in the last post.  I not only choose turkey because of the health factor, but I love that you can add in whatever you want and really taste the flavors.   I decided to make (and freeze) some BBQ flavored burgers.  They actually turned out a lot better than I expected given the amount of guessing I was doing while making them.  It ended up going like this: (keep in mind these are rough estimates, more or less of anything won't hurt)

2 tbsp ketchup
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp vinegar
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
2 tsp brown sugar

Mix all the ingredients in with your ground turkey, chicken, or beef.  I was freezing them so I made patties and put them into freezer bags. 

As I said before, our grill was malfunctioning so I ended up half grilling/half frying them.  They didn't have the grill taste I was craving :( but they were still delicious.  We ate them on our yummy whole wheat hamburger buns with some cheese and spinach. 

For a side, I grilled some potatoes.  If you've never done this, you need to.  But don't ever just throw a whole potato on there or it won't be finished until next Tuesday.  Usually I cut them and wrap them in foil.  This time I wanted to use our latest grill purchase.

This tray is perfect for grilling fish, veggies, and of course, potatoes!  I cut the potatoes into quarters.  I used my butter flavored oil I've talked about 1029012834 times before and brushed it on the flat side of each piece.  I then sprinkled them with garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, basil, and oregano.  I put them skin side up and grilled them for about 30 minutes.  I'm not sure why these cooked but the burgers didn't....?  Usually potatoes take a lot longer.  Our grill has an attitude problem. 

They turned out to be super tasty!  They were just charred enough to give them a good flavor without tasting burned. 

This was a cooking success.  Let me share something that was absolutely NOT a success.  Bob and I have the worst luck with purchasing things.  And I mean anything.  Blinds, furniture, electronics, you name it, we've had issues.  I think the problem is online shopping.  It's like these online people just ship you a piece of junk and make you deal with the consequences.  To make a long story short, I need to go to UPS and ship back a laptop and a camera.  Because that was number 1 on my list of things I wanted to do this weekend.  Ugh, people these days.  Here's to our official hiatus form online shopping!

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